Paolo Ettorre

Taranto, 5 september 1946 – Rome, 20 January 2007

A life-long career in advertising, CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi Italy since 1993 and important figure in the world of communication.

After finishing classical high school in Taranto, he spent a year in the United States in Angleton, near Houston, Texas where he graduated from high school. He obtained a law degree from Florence University in 1970, and did his military service as an officer in the Army in the Tank Division.

In 1972 he worked for an International Law firm in London. In 1973 he decided to leave the legal profession and move to Rome where he started his career in advertising in the marketing department of Saatchi & Saatchi. Saatchi & Saatchi is where he achieved all the steps of his career. Nel 1978 he went to New York to work on the agency’s most important client, Procter & Gamble. Upon his return from the Unite States he first became General Manager in 1985 and subsequently, in 1993 became President and Chief Executive Office of the Italian office.

He was nominated Chairman Europe for a two-year mandate in 2002, the most important role ever conferred on an Italian advertising man in an international network.

During his 30-year long career, he offered his expertise to several of the most import multinational companies such as Procter & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson, British Airways, IBM, Renault, Pfizer, Avis, and national companies such as Enel, Autostrade, Poste Italiane, Telecom, Tim, Alitalia, Bulgari, Monopoli di Stato, Mondadori, Finmeccanica, Banca di Roma, for which he won the prestigious Leone d’Oro prize at Cannes for best spot, directed by Federico Fellini. From 1990 he was responsible for the 8/1000 advertising campaign for the Italian Episcopal Conferenze involving the Agency in the area of social advertising, offering the Agency’s services at no cost also to many other oranizations, from S. Egidio to WWF, from Greenpeace and Medici Senza Frontiere, to Unicef.

Un’idea che poteva nascere solo da un uomo


Socially Correct