The award event held in Spoleto on 13th July, 2013 at the San Nicolò Conference Centre, Spoleto, was opened by Daniele Benedetti, Mayor of Spoleto and President of the Spoleto Festival of 2Worlds.

The winning campaign was presented by Camilla Pollice, General Manger of Saatchi & Saatchi and Beatrice Chignoli (Art Director) and Nunzio Tomasello (Copywriter) of the Fondazione Accademia di Comunicazione of Milan, received their award. The campaign created as the national communications campaign for the Ministry of Health, for donation and transplantation of organs, tissues and cells, aims at raising public awareness on the reliability of the Italian transplant system in terms of transparency, safety and professionalism and to inform citizens regarding the current procedure for declaration of consent for organ and tissue donation, therefore inviting them to become donors.

After a short presentation by Michelangelo Tagliaferri, founder of the Accademia di Comunicazione, the event concluded with a round table discussion on the theme of donation, coordinated by Nicoletta Carbone, journalist of Radio 24, with the participation of Maria Linetti, Director General of the Direzione Generale della Comunicazione e delle Relazioni Istituzionali del Ministero della Salute, Alessandro Nanni Costa, Director General of the Centro Nazionale Trapianti, Luigi Accattoli, journalist of Corriere della Sera, Paolo Beccegato, Head of the International Area of Caritas Italiana e Augusto Mignani, medic of Medici Senza Frontiere.

Representatives of the Italian associations AIDO, ANED, FORUM, ACTI, AITF, ADMO e Marta Russo were present and Daniela Cipolloni, scientific journalist and Filomena Marino, nurse of the Niguarda Hospital of Milano, received the prize “Amici della Vita”.


Festival di Spoleto 2013

Accademia Comunicazione

Corriere dell’Umbria pag 1

Corriere dell’Umbria pag 2
